Pet Battle Cheatsheet: WoW Strengths & Weaknesses Unveiled
Master WoW pet battles with our cheatsheet! Uncover strengths, weaknesses, buffs, and more to dominate foes. Your pet team’s victory starts here—read on!
World of Warcraft
Master WoW pet battles with our cheatsheet! Uncover strengths, weaknesses, buffs, and more to dominate foes. Your pet team’s victory starts here—read on!
World of Warcraft’s massive Worldsoul Saga trilogy, announced in 2023, has surprisingly let its devs chill out. With Undermined dropping soon, Blizzard’s team is taking time to craft a richer world
Blizzard's World of Warcraft community raises $2 million for Duchenne muscular dystrophy research through the sale of an in-game pet honoring late player Mats 'Ibelin' Steen.
World of Warcraft’s Patch 11.1, Undermine(d), drops Feb 25, bringing the goblin city of Undermine, a new raid, D.R.I.V.E. mounts, and more. Here’s everything new!
Get your hard hats ready! WoW Housing is officially underway! Blizzard just unveiled the first details on building your dream home in Azeroth. From zones to customization, get the inside scoop!
Blizzard Entertainment pays tribute to the late Mats 'Ibelin' Steen by introducing Lord Ibelin Redmoore as a character in World of Warcraft, continuing their commemoration of the beloved Norwegian player whose story touched lives across Europe and the world.
From Dire Maul to Mists of Pandaria, 2025 brings WoW Classic's biggest content wave yet. Here's everything confirmed for Classic, Season of Discovery, and the return of The Burning Crusade.